Keren Kever Rachel is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization helping Jews worldwide, access the unique power of Rachel’s cries for her children. We pray on your behalf at Kever Rachel; The place where our ancestors pleaded for salvation, and were answered.
Miracles at Kever Rachel
Miracles at Kever Rachel
Miracles at Kever Rachel
Miracles at Kever Rachel
Miracles at Kever Rachel
Miracles at Kever Rachel

Keren Kever Rachel is perpetuating the heritage of Rachel Imeinu with these life-changing programs.
Sustaining 24-hour prayer services and a thriving Kollel at Kever Rachel

Providing tender, nurturing care and parent-like mentors to Israeli orphans

Following years of infertility, our matriarch Rachel Imeinu was finally blessed with children, But she tragically died in childbirth, living only long enough to grant a name to her child. She called him Binyamin, son of my right hand.
Why was she destined to die in the desert, on an isolated travel route far from civilization? And why was she buried there? Her husband Yakov understood that on their long journey into exile, his children would need a place to pray – a site where they could pour out their hearts, unburden their souls, and rely on Mama Rachel to carry their prayers directly to G-d himself.
Rachel Imeinu’s story is tragic. Yet she remains the mother of us all, eager to bear our heartfelt prayers and ease our distress. Almost 4000 years have passed, but her cries have not waned.